Saturday, November 18, 2006

Weekend at Banff Jasper

Here's a snapshot/selection of pics from our gruelling Banff/Jasper experience - along with 5 hour 26 kilometer hikes with 2000 meters of elevation, we slipped and slided in the snow, prayed to the non-alcoholic gods, and fasted. Ahhh, fantasy world would be a much healthier place ;-) All pics can be found on

Kim and Ken Star Trekkin' across the universe

My little MJ (or soaking up the mountains, just before his 360 spinout on the highway

About all I got to see of the glacier's...good thing Kim was wearing black so we could find her! ;-)

Can you believe it? This is Kimber the Monkey's first tree climb!

Ahhh, paying homage to our eastern roots, our dear Alexander Keith. For those that don't know:
I do solemnly pledge to be faithful
To Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale
The Ambrosia of ales
and Emissary of Nova Scotia Good Times
As long as I am able to lift glass aloft.

Slainte Mhath!

Three Crazy Pics from Thursday, Nov 16th COC climbing

COC Climbing this Wednesday at the Crux

The title says it all - sign up now! Oh, and no guests allowed, so if any friends want to join, they need to sign up for the COC. Another belay test, another 5 dollars - print off the waiver, and we'll meet there at 6:30!

Sunday, November 19th Indoor Climbing

As we're going to crazy party at Ceiles Saturday night, we're forgoing our usual breakfast meeting (as if we do, there will likely be no climbing done!) We'll be meeting at 1 pm for climbing (gym to be determined) and will likely climb till about 5ish - after that we'll possibly be going out to grab some grub.

If you want to meet up, or are wondering where to go, you can call Nic at 690-2494. leave a note and let us know you're coming!

Parka Party this Saturday!

Come one come all - our first purely social event! Got an invitation for a fantabulous sounding parka party at Ceiles - read on! Currently, Kimber, Ivo, Peter, Nayyer and myself are heading out, and possibly to be joined by Janice later. There's a preparty that may start as early at 5 pm!

Here is the outline of our 3rd Annual Parka Patio Party:

Saturday, November 18th

This event is located on our rooftop patio! We bring in a ton of heaters for the event. Everyone is dressed in their parka gear so the weather has never been an issue. We have a fashion show that is sponsored by Ski Celler and Spyware. Our staff participates in the fashion show and they do an amazing job entertaining our guests! We also have a fashion show for the “worst dressed” ski wear. Some of the partners that we have on board for the event are: RCR (resorts of the Canadian Rockies), Ski Cellar, Spy Ware, and Bailey’s. We have tons of prizing that we put together for various draws and worst dressed ski wear! Some of the prizing includes winter wearables, ski lift passes, Pennylane corporate party packages, and gift certificates. We have a DJ and a dance floor. Frozen Memories has an onsite live person creating an ice sculpture as well they create an ice sculpture luge for us.

Some of the media that come down for the event are Shaw and City TV. They usually do a little blurb and showcase it the next day. We have a photographer that captures the entire event. So, we can email you pictures of the fundraiser and your guests.

Drink specials include Kokanee for $4.00 and Bailey’s for $4.00.

The rooftop has a 30 foot Christmas tree as well we decorate with tons of Christmas lights

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Monday, November 13, 2006

Thursday, November 16 Indoor Climbing w/COC

Indoor Climbing with the COC

6:00 pm - Light Dinner??
Same bat time, same bat place?

7:00 pm - Climbing at Stronghold

10:00 pm - Beer??
Will we make it this time??

RSVP for dinner
Janice - very sick not coming out
"insert name here to RSVP"

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wednesday, November 8th Stronghold

Indoor Climbing with the COC

6pm - Dinner
Meet at the vietnamese restaurant near Stronghold for dinner/snacks, call 607-3537 if you're coming, so far, it's Janice, Kim and Nick??

7 PM - Climb with the COC

10 pm - Beer?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

K-country avalanche

I've just read that a party of two were swept by a moderate avalanche on Sunday, while climbing Fortress mountain. One of the guys, a student at U of C, later died in hospital. And that is a tragic news. It is also a reminder to all of us that even a small mistake or misjudgment can have very serious consequences. Every time we go out we should be prepared and never underestimate the mountains, even in summer. Stay safe and have fun. See you at the Stronghold tomorrow.

Monday, November 06, 2006

When you've been a COC-member for too long...

Hmm I cannot upload my gif on the zoto account... That's why I'm posting it here. Soon I'll try to put up Nick's jump too :-) It was an awesome weekend!

Picture Posting...

Hey Gang,

Just set us up a zoto account to post our pictures - just go to and login as calgaryclimbers with the password lazysundays

We can post up to 2 gigs there, you can download the easy uploader, and just link the pics back to our blog - that way anyone can download the originals and print them off! I was going to post some, but ug, waaaay too tired now, and must hit the sack. Thanks for a rockin' weekend, and see y'all wednesday at stronghold!


Friday, November 03, 2006

Nov 2nd COC Climbing Pictures

Sunday, November 5th Indoor Climbing

So, the usual breakfast -> climbing -> dinner.

11:00 am Breakfast at Nick's
Post a comment or get in touch with Nick if you don't know how to get there. If you don't have a car I'm sure someone would be willing to pick you up so you don't get lost in the snow . . . . . . . Ivo . . . . . .

1:00 pm Climbing at a Gym
Call for Gym location, to be decided at breakfast.

6:00 pm Dinner at Nick's
If anyone has any dinner recipie ideas, don't leave them at home :)

See you guys Sunday :)

Saturday, November 4th Heart Mountain Scramble

Stay tuned for details :)