Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sunday, October 1st Outdoor Climbing

Okay gang, so here's the proposed plan for Sunday.

Post a comment to let me know if you want to change anything or if you want to come/can't come.

Brunch time: Meet at 11 am

Brunch location: Smitty's for brunch (hope to leave calgary by noon for everyone who isn't coming brunch)

Carpool departs at noon from Smitty's

Climbing location: Nick will you pick a spot? Probably near Exshaw

It'll be a single pitch, relaxed climbing.

Please bring a rope if you are coming, Nick, Vera and I are already sharing one.

Looks like it might rain, so bring you hiking shoes and raincoats and we'll make it a wet hiking trip if our climbing get's cut short.


Ivo said...

Hi Janice,
As I wrote yesterday - I would love to join. That's in case there's an available rope cause I left mine back in Europe (stupid!). Hope to see you all on Sunday!

Janice Nguyen said...

That sucks that you left your rope in Europe.

I might be interested in buying one . . .. . I'll have to get back to you one that . . . . .

Ivo said...

Oh, it seems like Sunday is going to rain... At least according to the forecast - 80% POP from Calgary to Lake Louise. We can talk more tomorrow on Mt Bell. See you!

Janice Nguyen said...

So, due to rain we ended up going climbing inside at the U of C gym.

After much MIA people due to sleeping in . . . . not me! . . . . I wasn't the only one!! . . . . . . . we lost one and finally got ourselves out to U of C by 2 pm. We were all pretty tired and out of it, but we got some good climbing in and practiced some lead climbing. Afterwards, we headed off for some Vietnamese food for dinner and then called it a night in. Looks like outside may not be happning again this year, although . .. . you never know :) One can always hope!