Friday, November 03, 2006

Sunday, November 5th Indoor Climbing

So, the usual breakfast -> climbing -> dinner.

11:00 am Breakfast at Nick's
Post a comment or get in touch with Nick if you don't know how to get there. If you don't have a car I'm sure someone would be willing to pick you up so you don't get lost in the snow . . . . . . . Ivo . . . . . .

1:00 pm Climbing at a Gym
Call for Gym location, to be decided at breakfast.

6:00 pm Dinner at Nick's
If anyone has any dinner recipie ideas, don't leave them at home :)

See you guys Sunday :)


Anonymous said...
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Ivo said...

OK, lets give it another try :-) Promise, this time I won't be late/lost/dead in the snow

Hey Nick, that's THE Matterhorn:

DOCNIC said...

Haha - thanks Ivo - hey, are you still interested in scramblingn tomorrow? Give us a shout, Janice or myself - Kimber has arranged a meet time for 9 am - and I'm not sure what all that weather stuff means, but just tell me yay or nay ;-)

Ivo said...

Well the weather stuff means 1) there's going to be snow; 2) it's going to be slippery, cold, wet, probably rainy in the afternoon... in a word - miserable. So, yep I'm with you guys. 9am where? And btw, nice pics Nick!

DOCNIC said...

Ivo, why don't I pick you up and we'll meet the rest - apparently according to Kim we "Meet at Shouldice Arena Batting Caged (across from Home Rd)
at 9am tomorrow then carpool to Heart Mt, and play", whatever that means. Give me a call tonight, or at the latest we should touch base tomorrow morning at 8 am. Ciao! (690-2494)

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